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Restrictive Software Licensing Leads to Billions in Wasteful Federal Spending and Increased Cyber Vulnerabilities

A recent nonpartisan report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlights the wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars and increasing cybersecurity risks associated with restrictive software licensing.

Last month, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) confirmed it was notified of a data breach by an IT contractor that impacted more than 6,000 people in January. This hack came on the heels of a January GAO report detailing how, across federal agencies, the government is inefficiently tracking its spending on software licenses and other cyber-related investments, resulting in duplicative purchases and missed opportunities for cost savings. At first glance, these developments may seem unrelated. Unfortunately, though, they are not. 

In addition to missed cost-savings, restrictive IT licenses can increase a federal agency’s cybersecurity risks and leave them vulnerable to attack.

As GAO reported, the U.S. government spends over $100 billion annually on IT and cyber-related investments, including software licenses, across 24 federal agencies. GAO found that multiple software products may be bundled into a single license with a vendor, and agencies may not have usage data for each product individually.

The cost-saving implications are clear. GAO issued 18 recommendations to nine agencies to track software license usage and compare inventories with already purchased software more consistently. Eight agencies agreed to these guidelines, with one remaining neutral.

GAO’s report mirrors the non-partisan watchdog’s September 2023 report that issued similar recommendations specific to the Department of Defense. Across the three selected components of the Defense Department, the GAO found that restrictive software licensing:

  • Increased the cost of cloud computing through additional fees
  • Limited choice of commercial cloud service providers and imposed arduous requirements

According to Garland Management Consulting, reforming the IT monoculture in federal government software licensing procurement could save taxpayers around $750 million per year – conservatively – through increased competition. 

But that’s not all. According to our report conducted by Prescient Comply LLC, legacy software vendors who engage in anticompetitive licensing practices often lock customers into their ecosystem with duplicative licenses and the inability to use best-of-breed offerings from other vendors. When that ecosystem is insecure, a cyber tax consisting of direct breach remediation, security upgrades, legal fees, loss of time, and reputational and IP damages is placed on customers.

  • On a smaller scale, the report details how restrictive licensing can create a 498% “Cyber Tax” on small to medium-sized businesses.
  • On a larger scale, the U.S. government is the largest IT customer in the world. Experts can only estimate a“Cyber Tax” for federal agencies, but taxpayers are the ones who carry that burden.

What This Means

GAO’s own hack highlights what its report missed – agencies need to do a better job at tracking their software licenses and IT procurement, not just to address wasteful spending but to identify cyber vulnerabilities and build stronger, more protected IT systems.

Bigger Picture

There must be universal adoption of the Principles for Fair Software Licensing. Stringent policies and unclear terms from legacy providers are causing the U.S. government to forgo cost savings to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars and potentially lose even more through potential cyber hacks.

In fact, many government workers have already faced the dread of data theft from a widespread cyber-attack. Due to a data breach in early 2023, the Department of Defense is alerting more than 26,000 former and current employees whose personal information was likely compromised.

The GAO’s findings and recent cyber security hacks renew the importance of adopting federal legislation to require federal agencies to complete comprehensive assessments of their software entitlements and IT inventories, namely through implementing the Strengthening Asset Management and Oversight Act (SAMOSA).

Read the full GAO reports here: 

As a healthcare software provider, our ability to utilize the cloud provider of our choice impacts more than just our business – it affects the health and well-being of patients everywhere. Restrictive software licensing imposes real-world threats like pricing increases that directly influence how we are able to assist healthcare providers and the patients they serve. We support the Principles of Fair Software Licensing to protect both cloud customers and the communities they serve.

Healthcare Technology Company

Cloud computing has brought low-cost, on-demand IT services to every corner of the economy, raising productivity and innovation levels at enterprises of all sizes. And intense competition and innovation among cloud providers continues to drive costs down while adding new customer capabilities.

But some incumbent IT vendors are imposing restrictive software licenses to limit how customers can take advantage of competing cloud offerings.

NetChoice supports the Principles of Fair Software Licensing as a roadmap to drive innovation, serve customers, and promote competition in IT services.


Frustration, use limitations, threatened audits, and significant additional expenses. That has been our experience with unfair software licensing. Organizations need transparency from their software providers.

We support the work of the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing to protect customers and ensure IT spend is effective and free from surprises.

Global Building Materials Supplier

Unfair software licensing practices in the cloud are a global issue, and CISPE is pleased that the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing is taking the Principles to North America.

Originally launched and jointly conceived by customers and cloud providers in Europe, we encourage customers around the world confronted with unfair software licensing practices to consider the Principles as a powerful framework for positive change.


As start-ups, it is essential that we retain flexibility to use the cloud infrastructures that fit best our aspirations and those of our customers. The Principles of Fair Software Licensing help the next generation of software and service providers to avoid lock in and ensure a fair playing field for all. Seeing their adoption in North America adds weight to this important movement for innovators in Spain and worldwide.

Carlos Mateo Enseñat

President, Asociación Española de Startups (AES), and Promoter of the NUBES Initiative in Spain

Developed in Europe by CIOs and cloud providers, the Principles of Fair Software Licensing are supported by digital organizations in Italy such as Assintel. Assintel welcomes the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing’s embrace of the Principles in North America. Fair licensing of software in the cloud is a global issue for businesses of all sizes. In Italy, our government recognises this challenge and just updated its antitrust bill to put an end to unfair software licensing practices.

Businesses in North America can benefit just as well as those in Italy from a best practice framework for software licensing.

Paola Generali

President, Assintel

As a longtime advocate for open systems and open networks, CCIA supports the competitive ideals reflected in the Principles of Fair Software Licensing for Cloud Customers as the Coalition embarks upon its efforts in North America.

Matt Schruers

President, CCIA

Some legacy software providers are attempting to extend their current on-premise market dominance into the cloud market through aggressive and restrictive contracts, licensing terms, and software audits.

While many promote ‘cloud freedom,’ in actuality they are employing tactics designed to lock out competition and innovation while increasing profits for themselves at the expense of their customers. No longer can legacy software providers be allowed to disguise their predatory practices.

I am proud to align myself with the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing in shining a light on these issues and putting forth actionable solutions.

Craig Guarente

Founder and CEO, Palisade Compliance

Despite the current spotlight on antitrust issues in Washington, behemoth software providers continue to misuse their legacy status and market power to target business customers with predatory audits and trap those customers in restrictive licensing agreements.

Through our practice — dedicated to representing software licensees against these very tactics — we have seen first-hand the real world effects of such licensing practices. Both growing and established companies are routinely kneecapped by unexpected costs, forced to waste immeasurable resources in spurious audit defense, and stymied in their efforts to make the technology changes they believe are necessary for their business.

We support the Principles of Fair Software Licensing and believe they represent an excellent and necessary step towards much needed business consumer relief and will help open the market to smaller providers in the cloud ecosystem.

Arthur S. Beeman & Joel T. Muchmore

Founding Partners, Beeman & Muchmore, LLP

Consumers benefit from a competitive, dynamic information technology marketplace. Competition drives innovation and ensures that customers get the benefit of fair pricing.

Overly restrictive, abusive licensing agreements from IT companies with market power, on the other hand, impose costs on government and corporate customers of reduced innovation and long-term price increases. We support the Principles of Fair Software Licensing and policies that encourage innovation, competition, and licensing practices that give customers the freedom to mix and match solutions from a wide variety of vendors.

This is particularly critical in the market for cyber security solutions since hackers are innovating every day, leveraging new strategies, new tactics, and new technologies to support their illegal campaigns. The only way to defeat nation states and trans-national criminal organizations is for the government to ensure that the IT market for cyber security is as competitive as possible and customers have the freedom to choose.

Cybersecurity Provider

The Alliance for Digital Innovation supports the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing’s efforts to protect customer choice and advocate for access to modern, secure commercial solutions.

As advocates for public sector customers, we think that government mission owners and enterprise information technology and cybersecurity leaders should have access to as many modern commercial solutions as possible.

These solutions are critical components to driving digital innovation and security in the public sector, and ADI supports removing barriers that slow adoption of those solutions, including restrictive licensing practices.

Alliance for Digital Innovation

As an attorney, I have represented enterprise software customers for years and have routinely seen enterprise software companies deploy predatory business practices, including falsely inflating alleged non-compliance gaps, to increase profits and limit customers’ ability to go elsewhere.

These practices produce causal effects throughout the economy including increased prices, as businesses across various sectors are forced to spend resources dealing with these unforeseen issues. I support the work of the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing to help my clients and enhance an economy that provides opportunities to all.

Pam Fulmer

Founder and Partner, Tactical Law Group LLP

We believe licensees should be able to deploy licensed software in a way that best suits their business, including their choice of cloud provider at no additional cost. Having experienced licensing practices inconsistent with the Principles of Fair Software Licensing, we support the Principles and urge others to support both them and the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing.

Insurance Industry Business

Startups, often operating with limited resources, need the freedom to assemble the technology infrastructure that best suits their needs.

Cloud computing infrastructure is central to startup growth, and the Principles of Fair Software Licensing will help maintain accountability, mitigate unnecessary costs, and promote innovation in this environment.

Industry-wide adherence to these principles will level the playing field for startups.


Get Involved

Learn more about joining the Coalition or expressing support for its Principles