New Coalition for Fair Software Licensing Endorses Principles Favored by 90-Percent of Cloud Customers
Businesses Unite to Advance Transparency and Competition in Software Licensing, Restoring Greater Customer Choice, Innovation, and Security in the Cloud
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing, a new U.S.-based initiative seeking to unlock greater customer choice, innovation, and security in the cloud, announced the results of a survey conducted by Morning Consult that underscore overwhelming cross-industry support for the Principles of Fair Software Licensing endorsed by numerous organizations and associations around the world.
The Principles of Fair Software Licensing are a set of nine industry best practices–originally launched and jointly conceived by Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) and Cigref in the EU–to preserve choice and transparency throughout the digital transformation process. From making licensing terms clear and intelligible, to allowing customers to bring previously purchased software to the cloud, these principles serve as a commonsense, customer-focused, solution that would ensure the continued growth, adoption, and diversification of cloud services.
As more businesses and governments than ever transition to the cloud, restrictive licensing practices threaten to directly undermine that digital transformation. In fact, according to the survey, nearly two-thirds of chief technology officers and c-suite executives said that licensing terms for the software they depend on are too restrictive. With digital transformation at stake, the Coalition provides customers with a platform to champion licensing practices that will ensure greater choice, innovation, and security in the cloud, through the adoption of the Principles of Fair Software Licensing.
88 percent of chief technology officers and c-suite executives surveyed also agreed that companies should be able to bring previously purchased software to the cloud, but too few are granted the opportunity. In fact, nearly 70 percent of chief technology officers and c-suite executives experiencing unfair software licensing practices said these unfair terms have limited their ability to roll out new features or products. Promoting competition in the productivity and enterprise software markets can enable customers to reduce costs, increase flexibility and enhance protection from evolving security threats.
Led by longtime business advocate, Executive Director Ryan Triplette, the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing provides a voice for members to educate the industry, as well as policymakers and regulators, about the economic importance of open and transparent licensing practices in the cloud.
“Cloud customers around the world have long been subjected to repeated financial harm as a result of legacy providers’ restrictive software licensing practices,” said Coalition Executive Director, Ryan Triplette. “After hundreds of conversations with affected customers, the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing is proud to endorse the Principles of Fair Software Licensing. These principles represent the solution that will end abusive licensing tactics in the cloud and ensure the continued growth, adoption, and diversification of cloud services.”
Working with its members and similar international efforts, the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing, along with 90 percent of those surveyed, support the adoption of the Principles of Fair Software Licensing to preserve choice and transparency throughout the digital transformation process.
For a full list of public testimonials from industry participants who have been adversely impacted by restrictive software licensing practices and support the adoption of the Principles of Fair Software Licensing, click here.
About the Principles of Fair Software Licensing
The principles outline best practices of software licensing for cloud customers and ensure the continued growth, adoption and diversification of cloud services. Specifically, they are:
- Licensing terms should be clear and intelligible
- Freedom to bring previously purchased software to the cloud
- Freedom to run on-premises software on the cloud provider of choice
- Costs should be reduced through the efficient use of hardware
- Freedom from retaliation for choice of cloud service
- Avoiding customer lock-in through interoperable directory software
- Equal treatment for software licensing fees in the cloud
- Permitted uses of software should be reliable and predictable
- Licenses should cover reasonably expected software uses
To learn more about the Coalition for Fair Software Licensing, please visit: